Here are instructions for listening to SS501 on 13 feb. I'm still testing the whole thing now so the instructions may contain some inaccuracy.
Step 1 read this article before doing anything : ( u can either follow the instructions there or come back here if there is anything u don't understand )
Step 2 : after reading it click on the link provided. You will see a chinese site ( don't be shocked) click on the button where the panda was resting on. It will bring to another site which is this :
(this is the site that allows u to download the software needed.)
Step 3 : click on the button next to the green arrow turning left. There will be a pop up asking u to save the file. Click save after it finished downloading, double click on it to install it.
Step 4 : There will be a pop out with a panda on the left, click on the left button to proceed.
Step 5 : click on the button in the middle, the middle again, then click the middle button again to start installing.
Registering for your account :
After your done installing you may be directed to this site :
look out for the 2 red words on the left hand corner which is this :
Upon clicking it, you will be bought to this site :
click on the orange button on the left hand side to bring you to the page for u to register. ( u can use this link in case u couldn't find the word or having problems with that site. )
There will be 5 blanks :
First blank : fill in you username
Second and third blank : fill in yr password
forth blank : fill in yr e-mail address.
fifth blank : fill in the code given
Then proceed to clicking on the button at the end of the page. Your registration is successful when it bring u to this page :
Once you are done registering, its time to listen to them! Here's how:
Step 1: Double click on the panda on your desktop.
Step 2: fill in your username on the first blank and your password on the second.
Step 3: click on the first tab and enter 52519 in the blank to listen.
( i'll update this part once i figure out how to listen to them, for now all u will hear is chinese ppl talking.)
Adding your friends :
Every account has a account number, click on yr photo. The number beside your username is the number other ppl use to add you. You can only add other people by getting that number.
Questions? leave a comment here ( i'll answer as soon as possible) or be at this site: on 13 feb 5pm and tell me the problems your facing. Look out for mokona501 ( i'm that person )and i'll try to help you to the best of my ability.
Please do not repost without proper credits. This whole article is done by me with the help of my friends at triples Philippines.